> pedigree > 5f-Harris_Martha

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Page Updated: 2020-09-28

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Martha Jane Harris

This page for my great-great-grandmother, Martha Harris, is still under construction.
For now, I need to share some files with cousin Oakley Kevin Vincent. 

Please check back later if you want to know more.  Thanks!

NOTE: The following information and format is temporary.


The purpose of each link for a person who appears on  MyKinFolks > pedigree  is so I can document for my family what I've learned about that person and their family, when I learned it, and who I learned it from.

Initially, I learned about Martha Jane Harris from my father when I was a child.  Later, I learned more from others.  Later, I will discuss what I learned about her, when I learned it, and who or where the info came from.

Meantime, the information below is what I've learned from Ted McClellan.  I wrote a bit about Ted on my blog.  CLICK HERE for the link to that blog post.  WARNING: My host provider unfortunately will not protect my blog without charging me extra.  Unlike the page you're reading now, you may receive a warning from your browser that my blog is "not secure."  I don't like that but I can't afford the additional monthly cost they want to charge me to protect my blog.

Ted McClellan

Ted McClellan descends from my great-great-grandmother, Martha Jane Harris (1835-1914).  Our line is different than his because her 1st husband, Nathaniel David See, was killed in the Civil War.

Our Family Line

 Nathaniel David See (b.1840) lost his life on 30 Jul 1862 just two months after my great-grandfather John Nathaniel Seay (1862-1927) was born.  He never saw his son, John.  John N. Seay married Fannie Walker Pace in 1882 and my grandmother, Oma Seay, was born in 1888.

Eight years after her first husband died, Martha Jane Harris married a second time to Thomas Jefferson Thompson.  However, because of legalities, she said she was required to marry T.J. a second time in 1872 to get her marriage on record.

In 1996, Ted McClellan wrote a 3 page story about Martha Jane Harris.  CLICK HERE  to view, download, or print Ted's story about his great-grandmother.

Ted's Family Line

Martha's second husband was Thomas Jefferson Thompson (1847-c.1910).  He and Martha had a son that year named Andrew Jackson Thompson (1872-1951).  They called his dad "T.J." and called him "A.J."  A.J. Thompson was Ted McClellan's grandfather.  A.J. was quite a guy.

Iron Bowl Football Star

At 6 ft. 3 in. tall and weighing 205 lbs, A.J. was an imposing guy on the University of Alabama Football team.  I wrote about him in another blog post.  CLICK HERE to read it.  My blog post mentions his

Blacksmith and Repair Shop

In some of the information Ted sent me about his grandfather, he said that A.J. owned a blacksmith shop and repair shop in Lineville, Alabama.  What Ted didn't know was that I had two photos of his grandfather in front of that shop advertising his services.  In 2014, I scanned these two photos then sent the originals to Ted.  I knew he would treasure the two original photos of his grandfather.

CLICK HERE for a photo of A.J. shoeing a "horse."

CLICK HERE for a photo of A.J. and an unknown man in front of his repair shop in Lineville, AL.


email me: revincent10 at Gmail